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Sedation Dentistry in Suwanee, Cumming, GA

Are you relaxed at the dentist office?

At Smile Haven, we understand that dental procedures can cause anxiety for some. We believe that even extreme dental anxiety is manageable and shouldn’t be a barrier to receiving the care you need. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry to help you feel calm and relaxed during your visit.

Sedation Dentistry
Dental Anxiety Relief

Dental Anxiety Relief

At Smile Haven, we want you to know that making you feel comfortable and safe at our office is our priority. We understand that dental fear, dental anxiety and dental phobia can var from person to person. Here are some ways we can help.

  • Communication: We will always keep you informed before, during and after your procedure, making sure that you understand what is going on and why we are doing it.
  • Listening to Music: We encourage you to listen to your favorite music or podcast during treatment.
  • Noise canceling headphones – We offer noise canceling headphones to drown the sound of the handpiece drill. You can also try to relax by watching your favorite show on TV placed on the ceiling, while lying on the dental chair.
  • Taking Breaks: We offer frequent breaks as needed during treatment to ensure your comfort.
  • Calming Techniques: Many patients find it helpful to practice controlled breathing for relaxation.
  • Sedation Dentistry: We offer Laughing gas sedation dentistry to ease your anxiety.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry helps you feel calm, relaxed, and at ease during dental procedures. Conscious sedation dentistry is a moderate level of sedation, so you’re still technically awake but feel very carefree. It’s beneficial for people with dental anxiety or for those who are undergoing lengthy treatment.

  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation, commonly known as laughing gas, is one of the most commonly used type of sedation. It is a safe and comfortable option that helps to relax you during your dental care. Colorless and odorless, nitrous oxide is administered through a mask worn over the nose. Patients are instructed to breathe normally and are expected to experience the calming effects of laughing gas within a few minutes. You may feel light-headed, tingly, heaviness in your arms or legs, giggle a few times or feel euphoric. Throughout the procedure, your vitals will be constantly monitored, and the dosage of the gas can be adjusted as needed. The effect of laughing gas should wear off soon after the mask is removed, so you can safely resume your normal day after your appointment without any lingering side effects.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation or anti-anxiety pills are prescribed by the doctor. Sedative medication is typically taken the night before, as well as the morning of your procedure to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.
  • IV Sedation involves the intravenous administration of sedatives to put you in a diminished state of consciousness throughout the entire procedure.

We will conduct a preliminary consultation and check your medical/oral history, medications you are taking, and allergies to determine which sedation option is best for you.

Schedule an appointment today

Schedule your consultation with Dr. George to learn more about how our comprehensive care can support your dental health. Let us help you achieve a healthy, functional smile!

Call us today at (770) 676 1001.

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